Any, Western Australia
Posted more than 30 days ago
HealthRegen Pty Ltd
Company Description:
HealthRegen Group Pty Limited is a small biotechnological and pharmaceutical startup with a great vision of curing diabetes.
Contract Type:
Part Time
Experience Required:
5 to 10 years
Education Level:
Master’s Degree
35 to 50 years
Number of vacancies:

Job Description

HealthRegen Group Pty Limited is a small biotechnological and pharmaceutical startup with a great vision of curing diabetes. Its founder is a MD world recognized stem cell biologist and bioentrepreneur with 2 significant US and European research prizes. He is inventor of 10 international patents. He is an adjunct Professor of University of Western Australia and guest/visiting/honorary Professor at four prestigious Chinese universities. He has 30 years of extensive research experience, expertise and skills in translational diabetes medicine in Australia. He held various leadership roles throughout his academic career. He has established intellectual property, commercial knowhow and a vast database of unpublished observations in the last 3 decades to develop disruptive therapies targeting the diabetic pandemics. He is now fully dedicates his time to his passion in commercializing curative highly unmet diabetes therapies. At year 5 of clinical services, we project to at least generate a tremendous US$10.5B EBIT. Our vision is to realize a world free from diabetes

Customer problems:
Diabetes affects 537 million people worldwide and its incidence rate has catastrophically continued to climb at 2-3% per year.

The sugar-lowering drugs turned diabetes into a chronic or incurable disease. Because chronic high blood sugar levels damage capillaries and small blood vessels in multiple organs, diabetes mellitus causes many devastated complications including heart and kidney failures, strokes, blindness, foot amputations and even cancers. In addition to quality of life significantly decreased, people’s life expectancy with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes shortens 20 and 10 years, respectively. Therefore, life-changing next-generation therapies are urgently needed to combat this severe public health problem by systematically targeting the fundamental cause of the current diabetic epidemic. The main danger for those vehicle-drivers who take insulin or glucose lowering medications is the unexpected occurrence/episode of hypoglycaemia.

We are looking for someone who
1. Is highly motivated, aspirational and energetic;
2. Shares the passion and vision of the founder;
3. Has business management experience and/or qualifications;
4. Has impressively demonstrated business development/leadership capability;
5. Can significantly contribute to our growing organisations, and
6. Preferably has qualifications in biomedicine.

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